Friday 31 July 2015

How to enable SFTP with Filezilla Server

By default, Filezilla Server does not support FTP via SFTP. However if can use SSL / TLS, commonly referred to as FTPS . It�s also a breeze to enable this in the Filezilla FTP Server Configuration. To do this, you simply have to do the following:
1.Access the Filezilla FTP server�s settings by going to Edit -> Settings.
2. Once in the Settings section, you will need to scroll down to the SSL / TLS settings section.
3. Here you will need to check the �Enable FTP over SSL / TLS support (FTPS). Once you do this, the option to �Allow explicit FTP over TLS will be come available and Disallow plain unencrypted FTP� and �Force PROT P to encrypt file transfers in SSL/TLS mode. Be sure to check both.
4. Now you will need to click on the button �Generate new certificate..�. Once you do this, you will be presented with the following screen;
5. Be sure to check check either 1024 bit, 2048 bit or 4096 bit. Since this is a self signed SSL, you can choose 4096 bit. Now you will need to fill out the rest of he required sections. Once you completed this, be sure to specify a valid location to save the key and certificate to. Once you have, click �Generate certificate�.
6. Filezilla server will now be setup to only use FTPS/FTPSE and will reject any FTP connections over port 21. Your new port will be 990. If you try to use conventional ftp to access the server, you may receive the error that you have to use explicit SSL / TLS before logging in.
7. You will now need to specify port 990 in order to log into the ftp server. Upon logging in, you will need to accept the SSL for the server now. You will have the option as well to always trust the certificate for future sessions.
You have now secured Filezilla FTP server for use with only a FTPS connection. If at any time you wish to remove the SSL from the connection, simply log back into the FTP server and goto the SSL / TLS settings section and uncheck the �Enable FTP over SSL / TLS support (FTPS)� option.

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