Thursday 9 February 2023

How To Get the Page Count for Each PDF File in A Folder

How To Get the Page Count for Each PDF File in A Folder

combination use of PowerShell and a small free utility PDFtk free that comes with a command-line.

Install the free utility PDFtk and then prepare a PowerShell script like below:

$result = @()
$path = [string]$args[0]
dir $path\*.pdf | foreach-object{
 $pdf = pdftk.exe $_.FullName dump_data
 $NumberOfPages = [regex]::match($pdf,'NumberOfPages: (\d+)').Groups[1].Value
 $details = @{
 NumberOfPages = $NumberOfPages 
 Name = $_.Name
 $result += New-Object PSObject -Property $details 
$result | export-csv -Path $path\pdf.csv
echo "Th result has been saved in $path\pdf.csv file"

The script takes the directory as the argument from the command line to identify which folder you want to scan the PDF files. For example, to scan all PDF files in H: drive to find the page count for each files in that directory, I run:

.\pdf.ps1 H:

Windows PowerShell 2015 04 13 15 49 43 600x287 - How To Get the Page Count for Each PDF File in A Folder

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