Tuesday 5 May 2020

how to mysqldump remote db from local machine


As I haven't seen it at serverfault yet, and the answer is quite simple:
ssh -f -L3310:remote.server:3306 user@remote.server -N
ssh -f -L3310:localhost:3306 user@remote.server -N
And change:
mysqldump -P 3310 -h localhost -u mysql_user -p database_name table_name
mysqldump -P 3310 -h -u mysql_user -p database_name table_name
(do not use localhost, it's one of these 'special meaning' nonsense that probably connects by socket rather then by port)
edit: well, to elaborate: if host is set to localhost, a configured (or default) --socket option is assumed. See the manual for which option files are sought / used. Under Windows, this can be a named pipe.

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