Thursday 5 May 2022

Alphaleonis Powershell Examples

Alphaleonis Powershell Examples

PowerShell Examples

This section contains various examples of how to perfom some common tasks in PowerShell using AlphaFS.

Show static methods from Directory class.

PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory] | gm -Static -MemberType Method

TypeName: Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory

Name                             MemberType Definition
----                             ---------- ----------
Compress                         Method     static void Compress(string path, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory...
Copy                             Method     static void Copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath), static void...
CountFileSystemObjects           Method     static long CountFileSystemObjects(string path, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesy...
CreateDirectory                  Method     static Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo CreateDirectory(string...

Get all overloaded methods of a particular method

PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::Copy

static void Copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath)
static void Copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.PathFormat pathFormat)
static void Copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, bool overwrite)
static void Copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, bool overwrite, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.PathFormat pathFormat)
static void Copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.CopyOptions copyOptions)
static void Copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.CopyOptions copyOptions, Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.PathFormat pathFormat)

AlphaFS References

# Call the CreateDirectory() method from the Directory class.
PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::CreateDirectory('C:\MyFolder')

# If you prefer a shorter reference, assign the TypeName to a PowerShell variable.
PS C:\> $AlphaFSDir = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]

# And then use the short form.
# Create a compressed directory.
PS C:\> $AlphaFSDir::CreateDirectory('C:\MyCompressedFolder', $True)

Emulate Get-ChildItem to overcome "Path Too Long"

# How people learn about "Path Too Long".
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $folderPath

# How salvation is offered.
PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::EnumerateFileSystemEntries($folderPath, '*', [System.IO.SearchOption]::AllDirectories)

Get a FileSystemEntryInfo object of a file

This is the most powerful method to retrieve file or folder information!

# Get a FileSystemEntryInfo object of a file.
PS C:\> $fsei = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File]::GetFileSystemEntryInfo($Env:WinDir + '\notepad.exe')

PS C:\> $fsei.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     FileSystemEntryInfo                      System.Object

PS C:\> $fsei

AlternateFileName   = []
Attributes          = [Archive]
CreationTime        = [22-8-2013 13:00:13]
CreationTimeUtc     = [22-8-2013 11:00:13]
Extension           = [.exe]
FileName            = [notepad.exe]
FileSize            = [217600]
FullPath            = [C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe]
IsArchive           = [True]
IsCompressed        = [False]
IsDevice            = [False]
IsDirectory         = [False]
IsEncrypted         = [False]
IsHidden            = [False]
IsMountPoint        = [False]
IsNormal            = [False]
IsNotContentIndexed = [False]
IsOffline           = [False]
IsReadOnly          = [False]
IsReparsePoint      = [False]
IsSparseFile        = [False]
IsSymbolicLink      = [False]
IsSystem            = [False]
IsTemporary         = [False]
LastAccessTime      = [22-8-2013 13:00:13]
LastAccessTimeUtc   = [22-8-2013 11:00:13]
LastWriteTime       = [22-8-2013 13:00:12]
LastWriteTimeUtc    = [22-8-2013 11:00:12]
LongFullPath        = [\\?\C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe]
ReparsePointTag     = [None]

Get a FileSystemEntryInfo object of a directory

# Get a FileSystemEntryInfo object of a directory.
PS C:\> $fsei = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File]::GetFileSystemEntryInfo($Env:WinDir)
PS C:\> $fsei

AlternateFileName   = []
Attributes          = [Directory]
CreationTime        = [22-8-2013 15:36:16]
CreationTimeUtc     = [22-8-2013 13:36:16]
Extension           = []
FileName            = [Windows]
FileSize            = [0]
FullPath            = [C:\Windows]
IsArchive           = [False]
IsCompressed        = [False]
IsDevice            = [False]
IsDirectory         = [True]
IsEncrypted         = [False]
IsHidden            = [False]
IsMountPoint        = [False]
IsNormal            = [False]
IsNotContentIndexed = [False]
IsOffline           = [False]
IsReadOnly          = [False]
IsReparsePoint      = [False]
IsSparseFile        = [False]
IsSymbolicLink      = [False]
IsSystem            = [False]
IsTemporary         = [False]
LastAccessTime      = [12-1-2018 15:54:39]
LastAccessTimeUtc   = [12-1-2018 14:54:39]
LastWriteTime       = [12-1-2018 15:54:39]
LastWriteTimeUtc    = [12-1-2018 14:54:39]
LongFullPath        = [\\?\C:\Windows]
ReparsePointTag     = [None]

Get a DirectoryInfo object of a directory

# Get a DirectoryInfo object of a directory.
PS C:\> $dirInfo = New-Object -TypeName Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryInfo($Env:WinDir)

PS C:\> $dirInfo.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     DirectoryInfo                            Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileSystemInfo

PS C:\> $dirInfo

Exists            : True
Name              : WINDOWS
Parent            :
Root              : C:\
Attributes        : Directory
CreationTime      : 22-8-2013 15:36:15
CreationTimeUtc   : 22-8-2013 13:36:15
Extension         :
FullName          : C:\WINDOWS
LastAccessTime    : 28-12-2014 00:54:51
LastAccessTimeUtc : 27-12-2014 23:54:51
LastWriteTime     : 28-12-2014 00:54:51
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 27-12-2014 23:54:51
EntryInfo         : None
Transaction       :

Enumerate files and directories

 # Get all root folders from the Windows folder, starting with an 'a'
 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::EnumerateDirectories($Env:WinDir, 'a*')


 # Get all files and folders from a network share.
 PS C:\> $AlphaFSDir::EnumerateFileSystemEntries('\\server\share', '*', [System.IO.SearchOption]::AllDirectories)

For overall performance improvement, use the Directory.EnumerateXxx() versions as much as possible and avoid using Directory.GetFileSystemEntries/GetDirectories/GetFiles functions. When you are working with many files and/or directories, the Directory.EnumerateXxx() methods can be more efficient.

Copy a directory recursively

 # Set copy options.
 PS C:\> $copyOptions = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.CopyOptions]::FailIfExists

 # Set source and destination directories.
 PS C:\> $source = 'C:\sourceDir'
 PS C:\> $destination = 'C:\destinationDir'

 # Copy directory recursively.
 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::Copy($source, $destination, $copyOptions)

Copy directory recursively using a DirectoryInfo instance:

 PS C:\> $dirInfo.CopyTo($destination)
 PS C:\> $dirInfo.CopyTo($destination, $copyOptions)

Example Copy() Exception (missing source directory):

 Exception calling "Copy" with "3" argument(s): "(3) The system cannot find the path specified: [\\?\C:\sourceDir]"
 At line:1 char:2
 +  [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::Copy($source, $destination, $copyOpt ...
 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DirectoryNotFoundException

Copy a file

 # Copy file.
 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File]::Copy('C:\Folder\oldFile.txt', 'D:\Folder\newFile.txt')

Remove file with a trailing space in the file name

 # Remove file, use path as is.
 # .NET does not allow for a file name to end with a space or a dot.
 # Use the [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.PathFormat]::FullPath parameter to bypass this.

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File]::Delete('C:\Temp\file ', [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.PathFormat]::FullPath)

Enumerate shares from a host

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.Host]::EnumerateShares($Env:COMPUTERNAME, $True)

 CurrentUses        : 0
 DirectoryInfo      : \\SERVER001\ADMIN$
 NetFullPath        : \\SERVER001\ADMIN$
 MaxUses            : 4294967295
 NetName            : ADMIN$
 Password           :
 Path               : C:\WINDOWS
 Permissions        : None
 Remark             : Remote Admin
 SecurityDescriptor : 0
 ServerName         : SERVER001
 ShareType          : Special
 ResourceType       : None
 ShareLevel         : Info503


Example: Operating System information

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem]::IsServer

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem]::IsWow64Process

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem]::OSVersion
 Major  Minor  Build  Revision
 -----  -----  -----  --------
 6      3      9600   0

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem]::ProcessorArchitecture

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem]::ServicePackVersion
 Major  Minor  Build  Revision
 -----  -----  -----  --------
 0      0      -1     -1

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem]::VersionName

 PS C:\> [Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem]::IsAtLeast([Alphaleonis.Win32.OperatingSystem+EnumOsName]::WindowsServer2003)


# System.IO DriveInfo()
PS C:\> [System.IO.DriveInfo]('C')

Name               : C:\
DriveType          : Fixed
DriveFormat        : NTFS
IsReady            : True
AvailableFreeSpace : 681759399936
TotalFreeSpace     : 681759399936
TotalSize          : 749786361856
RootDirectory      : C:\
VolumeLabel        : Windows8

# AlphaFS DriveInfo()
PS C:\> $driveInfo = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DriveInfo]('C')
PS C:\> $driveInfo

AvailableFreeSpace    = [22910414848]
DiskSpaceInfo         = [C:\]
DosDeviceName         = [C:]
DriveFormat           = [NTFS]
DriveType             = [Fixed]
IsDosDeviceSubstitute = [False]
IsReady               = [True]
IsUnc                 = [False]
IsVolume              = [True]
Name                  = [C:\]
RootDirectory         = [C:\]
TotalFreeSpace        = [22910414848]
TotalSize             = [96079966208]
VolumeInfo            = [\\?\Volume{657d4f85-1da2-478a-946a-318c99706878}\]
VolumeLabel           = [System]

PS C:\> $driveInfo.DiskSpaceInfo

AvailableFreeSpacePercent  = [23.85%]
AvailableFreeSpaceUnitSize = [21.34 GB]
BytesPerSector             = [512]
ClusterSize                = [4096]
DriveName                  = [C:\]
FreeBytesAvailable         = [22910414848]
NumberOfFreeClusters       = [5593363]
SectorsPerCluster          = [8]
TotalNumberOfBytes         = [96079966208]
TotalNumberOfClusters      = [23457023]
TotalNumberOfFreeBytes     = [22910414848]
TotalSizeUnitSize          = [89.48 GB]
UsedSpacePercent           = [76.15%]
UsedSpaceUnitSize          = [68.14 GB]

PS C:\> $driveInfo.VolumeInfo

CasePreservedNames         = [True]
CaseSensitiveSearch        = [True]
Compression                = [True]
DirectAccess               = [False]
FileSystemName             = [NTFS]
FullPath                   = [C:\]
Guid                       = [\\?\Volume{657d4f85-1da2-478a-946a-318c99706878}\]
MaximumComponentLength     = [255]
Name                       = [System]
NamedStreams               = [True]
PersistentAcls             = [True]
ReadOnlyVolume             = [False]
SequentialWriteOnce        = [False]
SerialNumber               = [1686851484]
SupportsEncryption         = [True]
SupportsExtendedAttributes = [True]
SupportsHardLinks          = [True]
SupportsObjectIds          = [True]
SupportsOpenByFileId       = [True]
SupportsRemoteStorage      = [False]
SupportsReparsePoints      = [True]
SupportsSparseFiles        = [True]
SupportsTransactions       = [True]
SupportsUsnJournal         = [True]
UnicodeOnDisk              = [True]
VolumeIsCompressed         = [False]
VolumeQuotas               = [True]

# Get the next available free drive letter (the example returns "E").
PS C:\> $letter = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DriveInfo]::GetFreeDriveLetter()
PS C:\> $letter

Browse folders using PrivilegeEnabler

# Use the "Backup" privilege to browse folder: C:\Windows\CSC
# Browsing without the PrivilegeEnabler results in ACCESS DENIED.
$privilegeEnabler = $Null

Try {
    $privilege = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.Privilege]::Backup
    $privilegeEnabler = New-Object Alphaleonis.Win32.Security.PrivilegeEnabler($privilege)

    Dir -Recurse C:\Windows\CSC
Finally {
    If ($Null -ne $privilegeEnabler) {

Get aggregated properties, including size, of a folder

 # Set directory enumeration options.
 PS C:\> $dirEnumOptions = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions]::Recursive -bor
                           [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.DirectoryEnumerationOptions]::SkipReparsePoints -bor

 PS C:\> $pathFormat = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.PathFormat]::FullPath

 # Get aggregated properties, including size, of a folder.
 PS C:\> $properties = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory]::GetProperties('C:\', $dirEnumOptions, $pathFormat)

 PS C:\> $properties.Size

 # Show all aggregated properties for the folder.
 PS C:\> $properties | Format-Table -AutoSize

 Key                      Value
 ---                      -----
 Archive                 304390
 Compressed                3364
 Device                       0
 Directory                65178
 Encrypted                   10
 Hidden                    3960
 IntegrityStream              0
 Normal                   20954
 NoScrubData                  0
 NotContentIndexed         5555
 Offline                      0
 ReadOnly                  8278
 ReparsePoint                 0
 SparseFile                   1
 System                    2493
 Temporary                    6
 File                    325431
 Total                   390609
 Size              188647966064

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