Thursday 5 December 2019

IrfanView Command Line Options

IrfanView Command Line

IrfanView Command Line Options
Command line options allow you to set some functions of IrfanView before the viewer is launched. These command line options are supported in IrfanView:

/one -        force 'Only one instance' 
/fs -        force Full Screen display 
/bf -        force 'Fit images to desktop' display option 
/title=text -        set window title to 'text' 
/pos=(x,y) -        move the window to x,y 
/convert=filename -        convert input file to 'filename' and CLOSE IrfanView  
(see Pattern page for additional filename options)
/slideshow=txtfile -        play slideshow with the files from 'txtfile' 
/slideshow=folder -        play slideshow with the files from 'folder' 
/reloadonloop -        reload input source used in /slideshow when list finished 
/filelist=txtfile -        use filenames from "txtfile" as input, see examples below 
/thumbs -        force thumbnails 
/killmesoftly -        close all IrfanView instances 
/closeslideshow -        close slideshow and close IrfanView after the last image 
/page=X -        open page number X from a multipage input image 

/crop=(x,y,w,h) -        crop input image: x-start, y-start, width, height 
/print -        print input image to default printer and close IrfanView 
/print="Name" -        print input image to specific printer and close IrfanView 
/resize=(w,h) -        resize input image to w (width) and h (height) 
/resize_long=X -        resize input image: set long side to X 
/resize_short=X -        resize input image: set short side to X 
/resample -        for resize: use Resample option (better quality) 
/capture=X -        capture the screen or window (see examples below) 
/ini -        use the Windows folder for INI/LST files (read/save) 
/ini="Folder" -        use the folder "Folder" for INI/LST files (read/save) 
/clippaste -        paste image from the clipboard 
/clipcopy -        copy image to the clipboard 
/silent -        don't show error messages for command line read/save errors 
/invert -        invert the input image (negative) 
/dpi=(x,y) -        change DPI values, set DPIs for scanning 
/scan -        acquire the image from the TWAIN device - show TWAIN dialog 
/scanhidden -        acquire the image from the TWAIN device - hide TWAIN dialog 
/batchscan=(options) -        simulate menu: File->Batch Scanning, see examples below 
/bpp=BitsPerPixel -        change color depth of the input image to BitsPerPixel 
/swap_bw -        swap black and white color 
/gray -        convert input image to grayscale 
/rotate_r -        rotate input image to right 
/rotate_l -        rotate input image to left 
/hflip -        horizontal flip 
/vflip -        vertical flip 
/filepattern="x" -        browse only specific files 
/sharpen=X -        open image and apply the sharpen filter value X 
/effect=(X,p1,p2) -        apply effect filter X, see below for examples 
/contrast=X -        open image and apply the contrast value X 
/bright=X -        open image and apply the brighntess value X 
/gamma=X -        open image and apply the gamma correction value X 
/advancedbatch -        apply Advanced Batch Dialog options to image (from INI file) 
/hide=X -        hide toolbar, status bar, menu and/or caption of the main window (see examples below) 
/transpcolor=(r,g,b) -        set transparent color if saving as GIF/PNG/ICO 
/aspectratio -        used for /resize and /resample, keep image proportions 
/info=txtfile -        write image infos to "txtfile" 
/fullinfo -        used for /info, write EXIF, IPTC and Comment data 
/append=tiffile -        append image as (TIF) page to "tiffile" 
/multitif=(tif,files) -        create multipage TIF from input files 
/panorama=(X,files) -        create panorama image from input files; X = direction (1 or 2) 
/jpgq=X -        set JPG save quality 
/tifc=X -        set TIF save compression 
/wall=X -        set image as wallpaper; see below for /random and examples 
/extract=(folder,ext) -        extract all pages from a multipage file 
/import_pal=palfile -        import and apply a special palette to the image (PAL format) 
/jpg_rotate=(options) -        JPG lossless rotation, see examples below 
/monitor=X -        start EXE-Slideshow on monitor X  
/window=(x,y,w,h) -        set EXE-Slideshow window position and size 

Notes: Only lower case options are supported (don't type any UPPERCASE letters) !
  • Input file name (if required) is always the first parameter!
  • Use "" for file names with spaces, example: "c:\images\dummy test file.jpg".
  • Write always the FULL paths for file names (incl. drive letter).
  • You can combine several options in one command.
  • Wildcards (*) supported only for /convert, /print, /info and /jpg_rotate.
  • Maximal command line length is limited by Windows, so use shorter names/paths.
  • Most settings are loaded from the INI file. Using prepared INIs and /ini=folder option, you can extend the possibilities.
  • IrfanView exit code is 0. If /convert or /print is used, there is 1 or 2 also possible, for load/save errors.

IrfanView File Conversion

Convert file: 'c:\test.bmp' to 'c:\test.jpg' without GUI.
i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\test.jpg
i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /convert=d:\temp\*.gif
i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /resize=(500,300) /convert=d:\temp\*.png
i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /resize=(500,300) /aspectratio /resample /convert=d:\temp\*.png
i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /resize=(500,300) /aspectratio /resample /convert=d:\temp\*.png
i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\test_$Wx$H.jpg
i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /resize=(100,100) /resample /aspectratio /convert=d:\$N_thumb.jpg
i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /advancedbatch /convert=c:\temp\*.jpg
i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /transpcolor=(255,255,255) /convert=c:\giftest.gif
(Note: Supported are all IrfanView read/save formats except audio/video.)

IrfanView Slideshow:

i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\mypics.txt
(Note: The file 'c:\mypics.txt' contains, in each line, a name of an image, including the full path OR path relative to "i_view32.exe".)

Slideshow Examples
i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\mypics.txt /reloadonloop
i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\
i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\ /reloadonloop
i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\*.jpg
i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\test*.jpg
You have to close IrfanView after the last image from the TXT file, if not /closeslideshow is used.
Example for /closeslideshow:
i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\mypics.txt /closeslideshow
IrfanView will be closed after the last image from 'c:\mypics.txt'.

Example for thumbnails:
i_view32.exe c:\test\image1.jpg /thumbs
Open 'image1.jpg' and display thumbnails from directory 'c:\test'. Display thumbnails from directory 'c:\test'.
i_view32.exe c:\test\ /thumbs

Load filenames from TXT file and display as thumbnails.
i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /thumbs

Example for filelist:
i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt
i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /convert=d:\test\*.jpg
i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /thumbs

Example for close: Close IrfanView and terminate all instances.
i_view32.exe /killmesoftly

Example for /page:

i_view32.exe c:\test.tif /page=3
Open page number 3 from the multipage image 'c:\test.tif'.

Example for /crop:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /crop=(10,10,300,300)
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /crop=(10,10,300,300) /convert=c:\giftest.gif
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and crop: x-start=10, y-start=10, width=300, height=300 (in pixels).

Example for /print:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /print
Open 'c:\test.jpg', print the image to default printer and close IrfanView.

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /print="Printer Name"
Open 'c:\test.jpg', print the image to specific printer and close IrfanView.

i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /print
Print all JPGs from "C:\" and close IrfanView.

Note: The actual settings from the INI file are used.

Example for /resize:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,300) /resample
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resample: width=300, height=300.
(Note: Resample uses the active resample filter from the INI file.)

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,300) /aspectratio
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width= max. 300, height= max. 300, proportional.

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize_long=300 /aspectratio /resample
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resample: long side=300, short side=proportional.

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,0)
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width=300, height=original.

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,0) /aspectratio
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width=300, height=proportional.

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(150p,150p)
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width=150%, height=150%.

Example for /capture:

i_view32.exe /capture=0
Capture the whole screen.
i_view32.exe /capture=6
Start in Capture mode, use last used capture dialog settings.

capture values:
0 = whole screen
1 = current monitor, where mouse is located
2 = foreground window
3 = foreground window - client area
4 = rectangle selection
5 = object selected with the mouse
6 = start in capture mode (can't be combined with other commandline options)

Advanced examples:
i_view32.exe /capture=2 /convert=c:\test.jpg
Capture foreground window and save result as file.
i_view32.exe /capture=2 /convert=c:\capture_$U(%d%m%Y_%H%M%S).jpg
Capture foreground window and save result as file; the file name contains time stamp.

Example for /ini:

i_view32.exe /ini
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /ini
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /ini="c:\temp\"

Example for /clippaste:

i_view32.exe /clippaste
i_view32.exe /clippaste /convert=c:\test.gif

Example for /clipcopy:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /clipcopy
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /clipcopy /killmesoftly

Example for /invert:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /invert

Example for /dpi:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /dpi=(72,72)

Example for /scan:

With the scan command, you can only combine: /print, /dpi, /gray and /convert.
i_view32.exe /scan
i_view32.exe /scanhidden
i_view32.exe /scanhidden /dpi=(150,150)
i_view32.exe /scan /convert=c:\test.gif
i_view32.exe /scanhidden /gray /convert=c:\test.gif
i_view32.exe /print /scan

Example for /batchscan=(options):

options = all 8 options from the batch scanning dialog:
filename, index, increment, digits, skip, dest-folder, save-extension, multi-tif
i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,c:\temp,bmp,0)
i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,c:\temp,bmp,0) /dpi=(150,150)
i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,0,c:\temp,tif,1)
i_view32.exe /batchscan=("crazy, filename",1,1,2,0,"c:\temp\crazy, (folder)",tif,1)
i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,c:\temp,bmp,0) /scanhidden

Example for /bpp:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /bpp=8
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and reduce to 256 colors. Supported BPP-values: 1, 4, 8 and 24 (decrease/increase color depth).

Example for /filepattern:

i_view32.exe c:\images\ /filepattern="*.jpg"
Go to folder "'c:\images" and load JPGs only in the browse/file list.

i_view32.exe c:\images\ /thumbs /filepattern="*.jpg"
Go to folder "'c:\images" and show JPG thumbnails only.

i_view32.exe c:\images\ /thumbs /filepattern="123*.jpg"
Go to folder "'c:\images" and show JPG with names "123*" as thumbnails.

Example for /effect=(effect-nr,param1,param2)::

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /effect=(6,3,0)
Apply Median filter, parameter = 3.

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /effect=(2,3,50)
Apply Blur-2 filter, parameter1 = 3, parameter2 = 50.

effect-nr values: (from Effect-Browser dialog):
1 = Blur
2 = Blur-2
37 = Metallic Ice

Example for /sharpen:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /sharpen=33

Example for /hide:

Values (can be combined (add values)):
Toolbar 1
Status bar 2
Menu bar 4
Caption 8
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=1
Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide toolbar only.
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=3
Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide toolbar and status bar.
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=12
Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide caption and menu bar.
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=15
Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide all.

Example for /info:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /info=c:\test.txt
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /info=c:\jpgs.txt /fullinfo
i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /info=c:\jpgs.txt

Example for /append:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /append=c:\test.tif
Open 'c:\test.jpg ' and append it as page to 'c:\test.tif'.

Example for /multitif:

Syntax: /multitif=(tifname,file1,...,fileN)
First file is the name of the result TIF file.
i_view32.exe /multitif=(c:\test.tif,c:\test1.bmp,c:\dummy.jpg)
Create multipage TIF ('c:\test.tif') from 2 other images.

Example for /panorama:

Syntax: /panorama=(X,file1,...,fileN)
First parameter (X) is the direction: 1 = horizontal, 2 = vertical.
i_view32.exe /panorama=(1,c:\test1.bmp,c:\dummy.jpg)
Create horizontal panorama image from 2 other files.

Example for /jpgq:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpgq=75 /convert=c:\new.jpg
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and save it as 'c:\new.jpg', quality = 75. Quality range: 1 - 100.

Example for /tifc:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /tifc=4 /convert=c:\new.tif
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and save it as 'c:\new.tif', compression = Fax4.
Compressions: 0 = None, 1 = LZW, 2 = Packbits, 3 = Fax3, 4 = Fax4, 5 = Huffman, 6 = JPG, 7 = ZIP.

Example for /wall:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /wall=0
Open 'c:\test.jpg' and set is as wallpaper (centered).
wall values: 0 (centered), 1 (tiled), 2 (stretched), 3 (stretched-proportional)
i_view32.exe c:\images\*.jpg /random /wall=0 /killmesoftly
i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /random /wall=0 /killmesoftly
Get random file from the folder/list and set as wallpaper.

Example for /extract:

i_view32.exe c:\multipage.tif /extract=(c:\temp,jpg)
Open 'c:\multipage.tif' and save all pages to folder 'c:\temp' as single JPGs.

Example for EXE slideshow:

MySlideshow.exe /monitor=2
=> start standalone slideshow on monitor 2.
MySlideshow.exe /window=(0,0,800,600)
=> start standalone slideshow in top left corner, window size 800x600.

Example for /advancedbatch:

i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /advancedbatch /convert=c:\image.jpg
(some Misc. Advanced Batch options are not supported: overwrite, delete, subfolders, all pages)
Open c:\test.jpg', apply Advanced Batch options from the INI file and save as new file.

Example for /jpg_rotate=(options):

options = all 8 options from the JPG lossless dialog:
transformation, optimize, EXIF date, current date, set DPI, DPI value, marker option, custom markers
Note: this option will overwrite the original file(s)!
Transformation : None (0), Vertical (1) ... Auto rotate (6)
Optimize : 0 or 1
Set EXIF date : 0 or 1
Keep current date : 0 or 1
Set DPI : 0 or 1
DPI value : number
Marker option : Keep all (0), Clean all (1), Custom (2)
Custom markers values (can be combined (add values)):
      Keep Comment                1
        Keep EXIF                  2
        Keep IPTC                  4
        Keep others                8
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpg_rotate=(6,1,1,0,1,300,0,0)
=> Auto rotate, optimize, set EXIF date as file date, set DPI to 300, keep all markers
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpg_rotate=(6,1,1,0,0,0,2,6)
=> Auto rotate, optimize, set EXIF date as file date, keep EXIF and IPTC markers
i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpg_rotate=(3,1,0,1,0,0,1,0)
=> Rotate 90, optimize, use current file date, clean all markers
i_view32.exe c:\images\*.jpg /jpg_rotate=(6,1,1,0,0,0,0,0)
=> For all JPGs: Auto rotate, optimize, set EXIF date as file date, keep all markers

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